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VBS Book Club Previous Readings Archive 1993-2024



Abraham, Pearl
The Seventh Beggar

Abse, Dannie 
Ash on a Young Man’s Sleeve 

Acho, Emmanuel and Tishby, Noa
Uncomfortable Conversation with A Jew

Aciman, Andre
Call Me By Your Name,
Out of Egypt

Agnon, S. Y.
A Simple Story,
To This Day

Albright, Madeline
Prague Winter

Alderman, Naomi
The Liars' Gospel

Alexy, Trudi
The Mezuzah in the Madonna's Foot

Almagor, Gila
Under the Domin Tree

Amini, Esther

Appanah, Nathacha
The Last Brother

Appelfeld, Aharon
The Conversion,
Iron Tracks,

Poland: A Green Land: Novel

Apple, Max

Attenberg, Jami
The Middlesteins

Auslander, Shalom
Foreskin’s Lament



Balson, Ronald
Defending Britta Stein,
Once We Were Brothers,
Saving Sophie

Bassin, Michael
I Am Not a Spy

Beer, Edith
WThe Nazi Officer's Wife

Begley, Louis
Wartime Lies

Bellow, Saul
The Actual

Bellow, Saul

Benioff, David 
The City of Thieves

Benjamin, Marina
Last Days in Babylon

Bernstein, Harry
The Invisible Wall

Bezmozgis, David
The Betrayers

Bloom, Stephen

Brooks, Geraldine
People of the Book
The Secret Chord

Buck, Pearl S.


Cahan, Abraham
The Rise of David Levinsky

Cahill, Thomas
The Gift of the Jews

Canin, Ethan
Carry Me Across the Water

Carner, Talia 
Jerusalem Maiden,
The Third Daughter

Chabon, Michael
The Amazing Adventures of 
Kavalier and Clay,
The Final Solution,

The Yiddish Policemen’s Union

Cohen, Joshua
The Netanyahus

Cohen, Rich
Israel is Real,
Sweet & Low,
Tough Jews

Cowan, Paul
An Orphan in History



Deen, Shulem
All Those Who Go Do Not Return

de Waal, Edmund
The Hare with Amber Eyes

de Rosnay, Tatiana
Sarah’s Key

Diamant, Anita
The Boston Girl,
The Red Tent

Doctorow, E. L.
The Book of Daniel,
City of God

Dubner, Stephen
Turbulent Souls

Duffy, Peter
The Bielski Brothers



Eco, Umberto 
The Prague Cemetery

Eliot, George
Daniel Deronda

Elon, Emunah 
House On Endless Waters,
If You Awaken Love

Elsner, Alan 
The Nazi Hunter

Englander, Nathan

Epstein, Edward Jay

Eve, Nomi
The Family Orchard



Fallenberg, Evan
Light Fell

Fast, Howard
My Glorius Brothers

Feiler, Bruce
Abraham: A Journey to the 
Heart of Three Faiths

Feldman, Deborah

Feliciano, Hector
The Lost Museum

Ferber, Edna
Fanny Herself

Feuchtwanger, Lion
Power (Jud Suss)

Fine, Marcia
The Blind Eye

Fishman, Boris
A Replacement Life

Foer, Jonathan Safran
Everything is Illuminated,
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

Fox, Margalit
Conan Doyle for the Defense

Friedman, Matti
The Aleppo Codex
Spies of No Country
Who By Fire



Gavron, Assaf
Almost Dead

Glaser, Paul
Dancing with The Enemy

Glickman, Mary
One More River

Goldberg, Myla
The Bee Season

Goldsmith, Martin
The Inextinguishable Symphony

Golinkin, Lev
A Backpack, a Bear and Eight Crates of Vodka

Goodman, Allegra
Kaaterskill Falls

Gordon, Mary
The Shadow Man

Greene, Joshua

Gregory, Jill & Karen Tintori
The Book of Names

Gross, Andrew
The Button Man

Gross, Max
The Lost Shtetl

Grossman, David
A Horse Walks Into a Bar,
See Under: Love,
Zig Zag Kid

Gruber, Ruth
Raquela: A Woman of Israel

Gundar-Goshen, Ayelet
Waking Lions
The Wolf Hunt: A Novel

Gur, Batya
Literary Murder,
Murder In Jerusalem,

The Saturday Morning Murder

Gutfreund, Amir
Our Holocaust



Hannah, Kristin
The Nightingale

Hamill, Pete
Snow in August

Harmel, Kristin
The Book of Lost Names

Hegi, Ursula
Stones from the River

Heller, Zoe 
The Believers

Hoffman, Alice
The Dovekeepers,
The Marriage of Opposites

Hoffman, Eva
Lost in Translation

Horn, Dara
A Guide to the Perplexed,
All Other Nights,

Eternal Life,
In the Image,
People Love Dead Jews,
The World to Come

Horn, Shifra
The Four Mothers

Houghteling, Sarah
Pictures at an Exhibition



Isler, Alan
The Prince of West End Avenue



Jacobs, A.J.
The Year of Living Biblically

Jacobson, Howard
The Finkler Question, 



Kafka, Franz
The Trial

Kamenetz, Roger
The Jew in the Lotus

Kanon, Joseph

Kaufman, Jonathan
The Last Kinds of Shanghai

Kazin, Alfred
A Walker in the City

Keilson, Hans
Comedy in a Minor Key

Kertesz, Imre

Kertzer, David
The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara

Kirsch, Jonathan
The Short, Stranger Life of Herschel Grynszpan

Kluger, Steve
Last Days of Summer

Krauss, Nicole
The History of Love

Kushner, Tony
Angels in America



Lagnado, Lucette
The Man in the White Sharkskin Suit

Lapid, Haim

Larson, Erik
In the Garden of Beasts

Laskin, David
The Family

Lavigne, Michael
Not Me

LeBor, Adam
City of Oranges

Levy, Naomi
Einstein and the Rabbi,
To Begin Again

Levy, Primo
Periodic Table

Lewis, Bernard
What Went Wrong

Lichtenstein, Rachel & Ian Sinclair
Rodinsky's Room

Lipman, Elinor
The Inn at Lake Devine

Lukas, Michael David
The Last Watchman of Old Cairo

Liss, David
Coffee Traders,
A Conspiracy of Paper



Makiya, Kanan
The Rock

Malamud, Bernard
The Assistant,
The Fixer

Manseau, Peter
Songs for the Butcher's Daughter

Markovitz, Anouk 
I Am Forbidden

Mayer, Yitzchak
Silent Letter

McBride, James
The Color of Water,
The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store

Memmi, Albert
Pillar of Salt

Michaels, Anne
Fugitive Pieces

Miles, Jack
God: A Biography

Miller, Rebecca
Jacob's Folly

Mirvis, Tova
The Ladies Auxiliary

Morton, Frederic
The Rothschilds


Nahai, Gina
Moonlight on the Avenue of Faith

Nattel, Lilian
The River Midnight

Némirovsky, Irène
Suite Française



Oates, Joyce Carol
The Tattooed Girl

Obejas, Achy
The Days of Awe

O'Brien, Darcy
The Hidden Pope

Olsen, Tillie
Tell Me a Riddle

Oren, Ram
Gertruda’s Oath

Oz, Amos
Black Box,
My Michael,

The Panther in the Basement,
A Perfect Place,
A Tale of Love and Darkness

Ozick, Cynthia
Heir to the Glimmering World,
The Messiah of Stockholm,
The Puttermesser Papers,

The Shawl



Park, Jacqueline
The Secret Book of Grazia Dei Rossi

Perera, Victor
The Cross and the Pear Tree

Piercy, Marge
He, She & It

Pogrebin, Letty Cottin
Three Daughters

Potok, Chaim
The Chosen,
Davita's Harp,
The Gates of November,

My Name is Asher Lev,
The Promise

Powers, Charles T.
In the Memory of the Forest



Rabinyan, Dorit
All The Rivers

Ragan, Naomi
The Ghost of Hannah Mendes,
The Sisters Weiss

Raphael, Lev
The German Money

Rees, Matt Beynon
The Collaborator of Bethlehem

Regen, Naomi

Reisman, Nancy
The First Desire

Richler, Mordecai
Barney's Version

Roiphe, Ann
1185 Park Avenue, 
Loving Kindness

Rojstaczer, Stuart
The Mathematician’s Shiva

Rosen, Jonathan
Eve's Apple,
Joy Comes in the Morning,
The Talmud and the Internet

Rosenbaum, Thane
How Sweet It Is,
The Golems of Gotham

Rosen, Renee
Windy City Blues

Rosner, Jennifer
Once We Were Home

Ross, Steven J.
Hitler in Los Angeles

Roth, Henry
Call It Sleep

Roth, Philip
American Pastoral,

Goodbye Columbus,
The Human Stain
I Married a Communist,
Operation Shylock,
The Plot Against America



Sabar, Ariel
My Father's Paradise

Sarna, Jonathan 
When General Grant Expelled the Jews

Sarvas, Mark
Memento Park

Schlink, Bernhard
The Reader

Schulberg, Budd
What Makes Sammy Run

Schwartz, Lynn Sharon
Disturbances in the Field

Schwarz, Bart
The Last of the Just

Scliar, Moacyr
The Centaur in the Garden

Sebald, Winfried G.

Segal, Francesca
The Innocent

Shalev, Meir
The Blue Mountain,
A Pigeon and a Boy,

Two She Bears

Shapiro, Dani

Shavit, Ari
My Promised Land

Shepart, Sadia
The Girl From Foreign

Shteyngart, Gary
Lake Success,
Our Country Friend,
The Russian Debutante's Handbook

Siegler, Bonnie and Stapinski, Helene
The American Way: A True Story of 
Nazi Escape, Superman, and Marilyn Monroe

Silva, Daniel
The English Assassin,
House of Spies,
Portrait of an Unknown Woman

Singer, I. B.
The Certificate,
The Family Moskat,
Satan in Goray,
Shadows on the Hudson,

The Slave

Singer, I. J.
The Brothers Ashkenazi

Sofer, Dalia
The Septembers of Shiraz

Soh, Ruth
Crossing Cairo

Solomon, Anna 
The Little Bride

Steinberg, Milton
As a Driven Leaf

Stollman, Arye Lev
The Far Euphrates,
The Illuminated Soul

Stone, Jonathan
Moving Day,
The Prison Minyan

Stone, Robert
Damascus Gate

Suberman, Stella
The Jew Store

Sullivan, Mark
Beneath a Scarlet Sky



Tishby, Noa
Israel (A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood Country on Earth),
Uncomfortable Conversation with A Jew



Viertel, Salka
​​​​​​​The Kindness of Strangers



Waldman, Ayelet
Love and Treasure

Wecker, Helene
The Golem and the Jinni: A Novel

Weiss, Bari
How To Fight Anti-Semitism

Wiesel, Elie
The Lawgiver,

The Testament

Wouk, Herman
The Hope,
Majorie Morningstar



Yalom, Irvin
The Spinoza Problem

Yehoshua, A. B.
The Extra,
Friendly Fire,
A Journey to the End of the Millennium,
The Liberated Bride,
The Lover,
Mr. Mani,
The Tunnel,
A Woman in Jerusalem

Yellin, Tamar
The Genizah at the House of Shepher

Yezeirska, Anzai
Bread Givers

Yishai-Levi, Sarit
The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem



Zimler, Richard
The Last Kabbalist of Lisbon

Zusak, Markus
The Book Thief

Zwi, Rose 
Another Year in Africa

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785