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VBS Digital Media Projects

"Torah on the Go"

"Torah on the Go" is a podcast presented by Valley Beth Shalom clergy. Wherever you are, you can listen and learn with our VBS clergy as they discuss the weekly parsha, the news, Jewish topics, and more.


"Thinking Aloud with Rabbi Nolan Lebovitz"

Rabbi Nolan Lebovitz's unique and enlightening video interview series with guests from around the globe.

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"Weekly Torah Study with Rabbi Feinstein"

Dive into the weekly parshash with Rabbi Ed Feinstein every Friday.

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"Inside Yossi's Room"

A video series that gives the VBS community a look at Ritual Director Yossi Dresner's over 50 years here at the synagogue. Yossi brings viewers behind the scenes, sharing his experience starting at VBS, recapping memorable teaching moments and giving advice on everything from studying Torah to drinking coffee!

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"High Holy Days with Herschel"

Throughout this video diary, Cantor Fox shares some of his many colorful stories detailing his experiences of the High Holy Days: as a child in Canada, his early days as a Cantor, VBS services with Rabbi Schulweis (z"l), all the way up through today.

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newspapaer-1030x1030.png"Moral Courage: From the Study of Rabbi Harold M. Schulweis"

A Podcast devoted to finding moral courage and inspiration for today's world, based on the collected works of Rabbi Harold Schulweis, z"l.

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Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785