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Enrollment is Now Open for the 2024-2025 School Year!


Please note: you will need to renew your VBS Membership in order to attend VBS ECLC.

Not a VBS member yet? Please Email Karen Benyishay to get started!

For tuition or dues assistance, please fill out an application HERE prior to ECLC enrollment.

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Check Out What We Have Planned for the 2024-2025 School Year!



Parent Resources

Kitah Gan - Kindergarten

 Listen to Morah Nina read the story about creation. Create your light and darkness page. What brings you light? Listen to the Modeh Ani. What are you grateful for? Use these links below for extra resources and materials. 

Kitah Alef - First Grade

Listen to Morah Barbara read the story about creation. Create your light and darkness page. What brings you light? Listen to the Modeh Ani. What are you grateful for? Use these links below for extra resources and materials. 

Kitah Bet - Second Grade

The torah stories teach us about promises that God made with the Jewish people. What does it mean to make a promise? As a class create a class Brit/promise. You can use padlet to create story board of what your brit will look like. Use these links below for extra resources and materials. 

In Hebrew we are learning the word Rosh – reish, aleph, shin. Rosh means head. Practice writing the letters. Use the website below for more Hebrew practice.

Kitah Gimmel - Third Grade

One of the values we learn about in Kitah Gimmel is Shalom Bayit. This means keeping peace in the home. Share what you as a family do to help each other. Use these links below for extra resources and materials. 

In Hebrew, we are learning the words that are used on Rosh Hashanah. Apples, Honey, Round Challah, Rosh, and more. Use the link below to practice more Hebrew learning about Rosh Hashanah.

Jewish Interactive

The Academies

Cooking Academy

The Cooking Academy is how children will explore Judaism through one of the most fundamental elements of life that bring people together, food!

Technology Academy

The Technology Academy dives into Israel's advanced technology and how it connects everyone all around the world.

Music/Band Academy

It is necessary for the child to have prior experience in a band and they must bring their preferred musical instrument.

Kitah Zayin - Seventh Grade - Tikun Olam

In class students learned with Tzedek America. They learned about Social Justice Starts with Me. What kinds of things impacted you from the discussion?

“If I am not for myself, who will be for me?” The work of repairing the world starts from within. Meet national mindfulness and fitness instructors who have dedicated their lives to helping people improve their health. Hear from celebrities who have dedicated their lives to mental health and mental health awareness. Grapple with difficult topics and realize that “if you are not for yourself, who will be for you?” But “if you are only for yourself alone, what are you?”

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785