Shalom parents,
It was a short but meaningful week at the ECLC this week.
This past Sunday, our 7th-grade class embarked on an eye-opening journey through downtown LA to explore and understand homelessness. We had the opportunity to listen to firsthand stories from individuals who once lived on the streets and now work at the LA Rescue Mission, which we visited at the end of our tour. We learned about the history and development of LA, and our walk took us through the oldest parts of downtown, Bunker Hill, the Financial District, Broadway, and finally to the Mission, where we handed out water bottles to those in need.
We talked about the Jewish values of :
- V'ahavta L'Reacha Kamoch - Love your neighbor as you love yourself (also Ripple of Kindness)
- Kol Israel Arevim Ze B'ze - All of Israel are responsible for one another
- B'zelem Elohim - We are all created in the image of God.
For a detailed summary of our day and insights gained, Click on the PHOTO Here