Jewish National Fund-USA has planted over 260 million trees in Israel. While this is an impressive achievement, more is always needed due to natural forest regrowth, forest fires, and arson. We encourage you to donate now.
Donating through this school page will also enable us to win funding for our Israel programming. Let’s be one of the top three schools that raises the most money so we can get a grant for future programs!
Please donate and share this amazing opportunity to help our school and do good for the earth with your family and friends. Click HERE to donate, plant a tree, and support the ECLC!
Tu B'Shvat: Celebrating Renewal and Nature's Bounty
As we begin exploring the beautiful traditions and meanings behind Tu B'Shvat, often referred to as the "Birthday for the Trees," it's essential to delve into the deeper significance of this holiday. Tu B'Shvat is marked on the 15th of the Hebrew.
The month of Shevat is more than just a celebration of trees. It's a day that symbolizes renewal and ecological awareness, reflecting the intricate relationship between humans and the environment.
In Jewish thought, Tu B'Shvat represents a season of budding and flowering, a time to appreciate nature's bounty and our role in preserving it. The holiday's customs, like a Tu B’shvat Seder, include the consumption of dried fruits and nuts, especially those native to the land of Israel (figs, dates, grapes, olives, and pomegranates, wheat, Barley - the seven species of Israel), is rich in symbolism. These foods, particularly dried fruits, represent the ability to draw sustenance from our roots, stay connected to our heritage, and cherish the fruits of the earth even in times of scarcity.
Rabbi Kook, a prominent Jewish thinker, saw Tu B'Shvat as a time to reconnect with the land and our spiritual roots. He emphasized the holiday as an opportunity for personal and communal growth, much like the trees we honor, drawing from our roots to reach upward.
Erve Tu B’shvat is Wednesday eve, 1/24 and all day Thursday, 1/25
What’s Tu B’Shavt All About? Click to watch and learn more: