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Shiru Shabbat with Special Guest Yizhar Hess

Friday, April 4, 2025 6 Nisan 5785

6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

RSVP by Tuesday, April 1 at 12:00pm.

Adult (13+): $35/person
Child (Under 13): $18/person

Attendee Information

Special Dietary Requests (Optional)

Seating Request (Optional)

Payment Options:
*ACH (e-check) - MUST BE LOGGED INTO VBS ACCOUNT. No processing fees; can be used to pay in full, or in installments. CLICK HERE to access instructions for how to add an ACH/e-check to your account.

*Credit Card - A 3% processing fee will be assessed for all credit card charges. To eliminate this fee, please select ACH/eCheck as your payment option.  We are unable to waive credit card processing fees. 

*Donor Advised Fund - No processing fees; pay in full.

Payment Plans - We offer pay-in-full or monthly payment options. The monthly plan must be secured with an ACH (e-check) account, debit or credit card.

If you need assistance with your payment method, please contact the VBS Accounting Office: 818-788-6000


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Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785