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Kiddush Sponsorship Contribution

We are delighted to help you share your simcha, mark a special moment or commemorate a Yahrzeit with our community.

Following Shabbat services on Saturday morning, you and your guests will be invited to enjoy our Weekly Cold Kiddush Lunch. We encourage you to contribute to our Kiddush Fund to help cover the costs to feed our community each week. Additionally, we often mark special occasions at Thursday Morning Minyan.

Please see Kiddush Sponsorship options below and use the form to contribute and be recognized for your Kiddush Contribution.

Contact Lisa Leib with questions -

Saturday Morning Kiddush

Weekly Cold Kiddush (Served every Saturday as a courtesy to our community & guests)

Bagels & Cream Cheese
Sliced Tomatoes, Cucumbers and Onion
Tuna Salad (or Egg Salad upon request)
Freshly Cut Fruit
Cookies and/or Brownies
Coffee, Hot Tea & Water
White Linen

Packages/Enhancements include Weekly Cold Kiddush items

Saturday Morning Packages and Enhancements

Platinum Package


Smoked Salmon (Lox) & Capers
One Hot Dish
One Fancy Salad
Select Linen Color*

*Linen Color Options: White, Black, Pink, Maroon, Red,
Forest Green, Wedgewood Blue, Royal Blue, Violet

Gold Package


One Hot Dish
One Fancy Salad
Select Linen Color*

*Linen Color Options: White, Black, Pink, Maroon, Red,
Forest Green, Wedgewood Blue, Royal Blue, Violet

Smoked Salmon (Lox) Enhancement


Sliced Smoked Salmon (Lox)


Hot Dish Enhancements



Chile Relleno
Cheese Lasagna
Blintz Soufflé
Noodle Kugel

Fancy Salad



Quinoa Berry Salad
Quinoa, Fresh Mixed Berries, Spinach, Feta Cheese, Raspberry Vinaigrette

Israeli Salad
Chopped Cucumbers, Chopped Tomatoes, Lemon, Olive Oil

Italian Chopped Salad
Romaine, Cucumbers, Bell Pepper, Garbanzo Beans, Black Olives, Italian Vinaigrette

Thursday Morning Kiddush

Thursday Morning Kiddush (Served every Thursday as a courtesy to our community & guests)

Bagels & Cream Cheese
Coffee Cake or Muffins (rotation)
Hard Boiled Eggs
Coffee, Hot Tea & Water

Thursday Morning Enhancement includes Thursday Morning Kiddush

Bagel Breakfast Enhancement


Sliced Smoked Salmon (Lox)
Sliced Tomatoes, Cucumbers and Onion
Orange Juice

Kiddush Contribution & Enhancement Options Form

Thank you for your generous Kiddush contribution.

Shabbat Kiddush sponsors will be acknowledged in our weekly "This Shabbat" email and on Shabbat morning from the bimah.
i.e. The Cohen Family; Sue & Shlomo Cohen

*Your selection contributes to the cost of Weekly Cold Kiddush on Shabbat Morning
 ($250 minimum to be recognized in temple communications)

ACH (e-check), Donor Advised Fund, Payment Plan

*ACH (e-check) - No processing fees; can be used to pay in full, or in installments. Requires log-in. Must be set-up as a valid payment method prior to completing this form. To set-up ACH (e-check) as a valid payment method, go to "My Account" > "My Payment Methods" > "Add New Payment Method". Follow the instructions to set-up ACH (e-check) payments through Plaid. Click here for more instructions.
*Donor Advised Fund - No processing fees; can be used to pay in full, or in installments. Requires log in.
*Payment Plans: - We offer pay-in-full or monthly payment options. The monthly plan must be secured with an ACH (e-check) account, debit or credit card.
Credit Card Payment Option Information:
Credit Card - A 3% processing fee will be assessed for all credit card charges. Paying by credit card now requires members to pay the processing fee associated with the transaction(s). To eliminate this fee, please select ACH/eCheck as your payment option.

If you need assistance with your payment method, please contact the VBS Office: 818-788-6000


Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785