Mishloach Manot 2025
It's a Mitzvah! Participate in Mishloach Manot
Participate in our annual Mishloach Manot gift giving mitzvah!
Our Purim custom is to send at least one Mishloach Manot to friends and neighbors with 2 or more types of goodies inside. VBS Mishloach Manot packages are our gift to you!
Valley Beth Shalom will gift every VBS Member Family, Teacher, Clergy and Staff person with a Mishloach Manot gift package! You can take part in fulfilling this Purim mitzvah by contributing to our Mishloach Manot campaign in honor and recognition of a person or a group that has made an impact on you.
For VBS Members only. Minimum donation available.
Reciprocate the mitzvah of Mishloach Manot
The 5 mitzvot of Purim include:
- Reading the Megillah
- Eating a Festive Meal
- Engaging in Silliness
- Giving Help to Those in Need (Matanot L'Evyonim)
- Giving Gifts to Friends and Neighbors (Mishloach Manot)
Compete the form to choose a group to honor, or write in the name or group that is not already listed. Include a optional tribute to be featured on our website that shares an anecdote, blessing, or wish to the special person or group!
The Whole Megillah
Choose this option to honor the entire VBS community, including every single member and group on the list!