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VBS Maccabee Mission to Israel

01/02/2024 02:44:02 PM


This December, we had the honor to volunteer our time farming, cooking and cleaning for soldiers and sorting and packing food. We bore witness at Kibbutz Nir Yitzchak and heard the harrowing story of a survivor. We visited Hostage Square in Tel Aviv and listened to the aunt of hostage Tamir Adar. We were blessed to share Shabbat dinner with displaced families and lone soldiers. And, in true VBS tradition, we learned every night from...Read more...

ECC Staff Day Out

12/22/2023 12:20:31 PM


Our VBS ECC staff spent a professional development day committed to service preparing 300 meals for those in need at Margaret Feder's Our Big Kitchen Los Angeles, a nonprofit organization where people come together to prepare food in a kosher kitchen for those in need. Learn more at Yasher Koach!


Hanukkah Angels Toy Drive 2023

11/02/2023 11:11:46 AM


Rabbi Nolan Lebovitz

Our hearts and thoughts have been focused on supporting Israel and our efforts will continue.  As we look ahead to the arrival of Hanukkah, we know that there are local families in need of our support as well.    

Blair and I have participated in the Hanukkah Angels program for Chai Lifeline for many years.  It is now an important tent pole of our Chesed initiative. Hanukkah Angels...Read more...

VBS Chesed School Supply Drive

06/30/2023 12:55:42 PM


In an incredible effort spearheaded by VBS Volunteer Nikki Eigler, our community collected school supplies that were distributed by the West Valley Food Pantry to home and food insecure children in Los Angeles. We collected enough supplies to pack 350 backpacks! Supples collected included both newly purchased and leftover unused school supplies from the past school year. 


Passover Grocery Packing for Cafe Europa Holocaust Survivors

04/03/2023 12:05:19 PM


On Sunday, April 2, our dedicated VBS volunteers gathered to pack 55 individual Passover Grocery bags for Cafe Europa Holocaust survivors.


Judie Cotton and the VBS Counseling Center

04/18/2022 10:40:33 AM


Judie Cotton, President of the Valley Beth Shalom Counseling Center (VBS CC), was born in a small town in Pennsylvania of 65,000 people. There were just two shuls in town and her family belonged to both. Ever since, Judie couldn’t imagine a time where she wouldn’t be active in a temple community. In 1965, Julie became a member of VBS, spending many years on the Board of Directors, circulating through different positions such as...Read more...

Rabbi Nina Bieber Feinstein

03/03/2022 11:25:21 AM


Rabbi Nina Bieber Feinstein has been an important part of the VBS community since 1993. While we have been fortunate to have her hold numerous leadership roles, including the creation and stewardship of our groundbreaking N’Shama Minyan, this year we were truly blessed to have her join the Chesed team and greatly expand and reinvigorate our Bikur Cholim program. Rabbi Nina reaches out to members who have experienced a loss, an illness or just need a little extra support. With her compassion, kindness, warmth and understanding, she is an extraordinary addition to the team and we are thrilled to help you get to know her a little bit better and salute her good work.Read more...

Judy Freier

02/14/2022 09:19:16 PM


“They say there are 70 ways to interpret Torah. I’m still searching for all 70.”

- Judy Freier aka “The Torah Lady” 


Judy Freier founded the Valley Beth Shalom Parsha Discussion Group on the belief that if you...Read more...

Camp ViBeS

09/23/2021 02:36:55 PM


This summer marked another year of uncertainty of whether the carefree tradition of fun and community would continue through summer camp. Recognizing a need for both social and emotional fulfillment, our VBS Youth and Chesed Departments worked together to make sure...Read more...

Louise Spitzer

04/09/2021 10:03:47 AM


You might know her as the friendly woman who introduced you to others at Hazak and got you a bagel for lunch. You might know her as...Read more...

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785