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Post Operative Prayer

Post Operative Prayer

In Sickness and Health by Harold M. Schulweis

Early in the dawn 
before the bustling of the carts 
an old prayer 
recited too quickly 
now resonates anew. 

For opening the eyes of the blind
For releasing the bound 
For raising up the bowed down 
For clothing the naked. 

A prayer with new meaning 
For clothing bent over bodies 
For straightening the spine 
For guiding the steps of the faltering 
For guiding the weak with resolve
For strengthening the weary. 

May I not soon forget 
lifted from gurney to bed 
the free motion of a tubeless body
the first meal wit teeth, tongue and mouth.

May I not soon forget
the first lucidity
the first cessation of pain
the first walk without the arms of others
the sweet fatigue of the first shower.

May I not soon forget
the vigil of families
the wishes of friends
the donors of blood and prayer
the firm grip of doctors.

May I not soon forget
the day of leaving
the triumphant return 
the turn of the lock 
the loyalty of the mezzuzah 
standing watch, in good weather and bad.

To whom to give thanks 
to whom is thanks not due 
to the Source of healing 
whose hands touch wounds 
and voice encouragement
who feels with me
my doubts, my fright
my regrets,
my resolution.

May I not soon forget
the miracle 
morning, noon and night 
the miracle within me and without.

* This document, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced without the written permission of the author.



Mon, March 3 2025 3 Adar 5785