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The Rabbi Facing Modernity

03/09/2020 09:07:43 AM


Even when the rabbi believes he has the answers, he must know the "fragestellung," the form the question takes. The answering text must respond to the context of the questioner's life situation. We know how often presenting questions conceal more than they reveal. The rabbi must learn to...Read more...

The Pragmatics of Pluralism

03/09/2020 09:07:16 AM


"A person might think 'since the house of Shammai declares unclean and the house of Hillel declares clean, this one prohibits and that one permits, how then can I learn Torah?'" Scripture says "Words...the words. These are the words." All the words have been given by a single Shepherd. One...Read more...

"Al Keyn" - Therefore

03/09/2020 09:06:51 AM


The evening Ma’ariv prayer that precedes the Sh’ma speaks of God’s love of the House of Israel, and of the Torah, law, and precept, which God has taught His people.   The prayer continues with an easily overlooked word, but one which captures human moral responsibility. That...Read more...

The Ethics of the Neighbor

03/09/2020 09:06:24 AM


In a fifth-century midrash, Pesikta Derav Kahana, commenting on the first words of the Ten Commandments, I am the Lord thy God, some sages ask, "How is it possible that 600,000 Israelites stood at the foot of Sinai and one Voice addressed an entire people, yet every...Read more...

Evolution & Eden

03/09/2020 09:06:02 AM


As Jews we are in the year 5766. Our daily calendars are set to 2006, based on the birth of Jesus Christ. But if we were to go by geological time, the beginning of the world would have to go back at least 3.6 billion years.


The scientific universe is not the world of...

Interfaith Dialogue Can Bring Change

03/09/2020 09:05:32 AM


"Teshuvah" – turning, repentance, reconciliation – is a gift given to all people. People change, institutions change, policies change.

Consider the largely unreported and unheralded change in the Presbyterian Church (USA). By a vote of 431 to 62 in July 2004, the church voted to...Read more...

Valley Beth Shalom Passport: A Guide to Ethical Action

03/09/2020 09:04:59 AM


Seeing their nakedness, Adam and Eve fled from before the presence of the Lord. When Jonah heard the voice telling him to go forth and to prophesy to the people of Nineveh, he hid himself in the gray womb of the whale.

The Rizhiner Rebbe, when he came home one day, noted the fact...Read more...

What do we owe the stranger?

03/09/2020 09:04:26 AM


Beautiful Piece from the Jewish Journal with the incomparable Rabbi Harold M. Schulweis. Please read the article, SHARE the article and join VBS as we wish Rabbi Schulweis a very happy and healthy birthday!

"The lesson of Passover is compassion, he said. “You have...Read more...

Mon, March 3 2025 3 Adar 5785