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Wednesday 26 Adar

  • Aileen Borok for Aunt, Rosa Vazquez
  • Irving Weintraub for Father, Abraham Weintraub
  • Jack Weingarten for Father, Chanoch Weingarten
  • Jaclyn Singer for Grandmother, Pauline Singer
  • Jill Linhardt for Grandmother, Florence Kadis Robin
  • Jonathan Hartman for Father, Stuart Hartman
  • Larry Froch for Aunt, Rosa Vazquez
  • Larry Golub for father, Norman Golub
  • Lisabeth Rothman for Aunt, Ruth Mintz
  • Mark Borovitz for Mother, Mildred Millie Borovitz
  • Richard Robin for Grandmother, Florence Kadis Robin
  • Sharon Bressler for Mother-in-law, Lillian Bressler

Thursday 27 Adar

  • Jay Schulman for Father, Irving H. Schulman
  • Joyce Kishineff for Father, Sam Solovey
  • Leora Orevi for Father in law, Yitzhak Orevi
  • Ted Carmely for Mother, Shoshana Goldstein
  • Vera Rothschild for Mother, Rosa Baar

Friday 28 Adar

  • Alan Bronte for Mother, Ruth Bronte
  • Alan Zweig for Brother, Robert Zweig
  • Harvey Keenan for Son, Lonny Keenan
  • Jeffrey Mintz for mother, Natalie Mintz
  • Martin Baker for Mother, Rochelle Baker
  • Nancy Klevens for Father-in-law, Rabbi Irving Klevens
  • Noah Farkas for Grandfather, Milton Farkas
  • Phoebe Reff for Father, Jacob Lipsky
  • Phyllis Keenan for Son, Lonny Keenan


To make a memorial donation in honor of a loved one
click here >

Download our Yizkor Booklet 5783

Memorial Plaque

Yahrzeit, the annual commemoration of the anniversary of a loved one’s death, is a traditional act of remembrance.

Valley Beth Shalom makes possible a permanent wall of remembrance, providing an ever-present tribute to important people in our lives. Your dedication of a Yahrzeit plaque helps perpetuate the memory of a loved one. 

Each plaque will include the name and the date of death according to both the Gregorian and Hebrew calendars. There is also the option of including the name in Hebrew. 

Please reserve a space on the Memorial Plaque Wall located at Valley Beth Shalom.

“The souls of the righteous live on in those who cherish their memories.” 


Your Information

Personalize Your Plaque

Note: Time of death, before or after sunset, is necessary in calculating the Hebrew date.


I (We) agree to pay the sum of $1,200 for each space including the name plate to be placed on the Memorial Plaque Wall.

Payment Options:
Credit Card - Incurs a 3.25% processing fee; can be used to pay in full, or in installments.
ACH (e-check) - No processing fees; can be used to pay in full, or in installments. Requires log in.
Donor Advised Fund - No processing fees; can be used to pay in full, or in installments. Requires log in.

If you need assistance with your payment method, please contact the VBS Office: 818-788-6000



Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785