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Mishloach Manot Self Care Resources  >  PLAY  /  HEAL  /  CHILL  /  REFLECT


Caring for your soul

We invite you to try this new ritual, shared with us by Modern Ritual.

With your hands on your heart, say out loud:

“Elohai neshama shenatata bi, t’horah hi."

"Oh God, the soul you have given me- its longings, its love, its anger, its hope, - is perfect.”

Write down three things you’ve felt in your soul this week. Then, write down three things you can do to care for your soul this Shabbat.

Give yourself permission to scream and shout - out loud, or silently, or with your body - and leave part of last week behind. Repeat as necessary.

Repeat the opening words:

“Elohai neshama shenatata bi, t’horah hi."

"Oh God, the soul you have given me- its longings, its love, its anger, its hope, - is perfect.”

How are you caring for your soul this Shabbat?

Sat, March 8 2025 8 Adar 5785