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Mishloach Manot Self Care Resources  >  PLAY  /  HEAL  /  CHILL  /  REFLECT


Tap into the playful side of life

Humor, creativity and exploration offer ways to thrive in spite of life’s circumstances. Play, and the attitude of playfulness and joyfulness it creates, builds our resilience in major ways.

Loosen up! Engage in playful activities. We don't need to always take things so seriously. Whether playing alone or playing with others, play allows us to act and interact in ways which strengthens us through enjoying happy experiences. 

Get curious! Play has a way of encouraging us to let down our guard, try new things and expand our world view of what is possible. Discover new tastes, talents and interests.

Research shows the tipping point for flourishing, versus languishing, is essentially, 3 to 1 positive emotions and events for every negative emotion, situation, or event.

Frequency is the key to boosting your optimism, humor, creativity. Explore relationships and activities that spark a lightness and stirring of energy in your soul.

Be Playful

Call a friend who is sure to make you laugh.

Hug.  Hug lots of people to get your natural, daily dose of oxytocin.

Create. Take up knitting or quilting or painting or pottery-making.

Buy yourself a little something special – a new hat, scarf, or pair of earring.

Lose yourself in nature. Find hiking trails you’ve never explored before.

Sign-up for cooking classes or join a monthly wine-tasting club.

Gather your friends for a night in to compete over a board game.

Spend the afternoon watching sports – support your favorite team.

Dance, stretch or practice yoga as a way to embrace your body’s power.

How will you play today?  

Sat, March 8 2025 8 Adar 5785